// map markers var map; var markers = []; // main markers markers[1] = []; markers[2] = []; markers[3] = []; var cur_type = new Array(); cur_type = {0:false,1:false,2:false}; var markers_list = []; var markers_source = []; var markers_id = []; var markers_xy = []; var markers_pcs = []; var markers_title = []; var markers_text = []; var topRight; var bottomLeft; var scale; var detailShow = false; var marker_box_x = 12; // default right margin of overlay from marker var image1,image2,image3; // markers in arrays markers_source[1] = [49.0903,16.6147,1]; markers_pcs[1] = '../gallery/poi/11/s-c22c71cb.jpg'; markers_title[1] = 'Rajhrad Monastery'; markers_id[1] = '11'; markers_source[2] = [49.7122,12.9956,1]; markers_pcs[2] = '../gallery/poi/6/s-e66f0ced.jpg'; markers_title[2] = 'Kladruby Monastery'; markers_id[2] = '6'; markers_source[3] = [50.637,13.8262,3]; markers_pcs[3] = '../gallery/poi/12/s-94f84a0d.jpg'; markers_title[3] = 'Teplice Convent'; markers_id[3] = '12'; markers_source[4] = [50.0721,14.418,1]; 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markers_title[17] = 'Mogilno Monastery'; markers_id[17] = '31'; markers_source[18] = [49.8772,14.8971,2]; markers_pcs[18] = '../gallery/poi/5/s-018a1767.jpg'; markers_title[18] = 'Sázava Monastery'; markers_id[18] = '5'; markers_source[19] = [46.9333,21.2167,2]; markers_pcs[19] = '../gallery/poi/51/s-eb9b20ca.jpg'; markers_title[19] = 'Csoltmonostor'; markers_id[19] = '51'; markers_source[20] = [47.1395,16.5829,2]; markers_pcs[20] = '../gallery/poi/41/s-373a6287.jpg'; markers_title[20] = 'Ják'; markers_id[20] = '41'; markers_source[21] = [50.0852,14.3567,1]; markers_pcs[21] = '../gallery/poi/14/s-9237e2f1.jpg'; markers_title[21] = 'Břevnov Monastery'; markers_id[21] = '14'; markers_source[22] = [47.4466,19.0136,1]; markers_pcs[22] = '../gallery/poi/36/s-ec76c632.jpg'; markers_title[22] = 'Budapest, SzentSzabinaLelkészség'; markers_id[22] = '36'; markers_source[23] = [46.7093,19.7305,2]; markers_pcs[23] = '../gallery/poi/38/s-ad1426c0.jpg'; markers_title[23] = 'Bugac, Felsőmonostortanya (Pétermonostor)'; markers_id[23] = '38'; markers_source[24] = [47.4453,18.2679,2]; markers_pcs[24] = '../gallery/poi/34/s-1da5af74.jpg'; markers_title[24] = 'Bokod (Vértesszentkereszt)'; markers_id[24] = '34'; markers_source[25] = [47.2567,17.1505,2]; markers_pcs[25] = '../gallery/poi/39/s-c175016e.jpg'; markers_title[25] = 'Celldömölk'; markers_id[25] = '39'; markers_source[26] = [51.9662,16.9007,1]; markers_pcs[26] = '../gallery/poi/9/s-38c9f496.jpg'; markers_title[26] = 'Lubin Abbey'; markers_id[26] = '9'; markers_source[27] = [47.6887,17.6343,1]; markers_pcs[27] = '../gallery/poi/40/s-27e9e448.jpg'; markers_title[27] = 'Győr'; markers_id[27] = '40'; markers_source[28] = [46.3566,17.8452,2]; markers_pcs[28] = '../gallery/poi/42/s-89eeb795.jpg'; markers_title[28] = 'Kaposszentjakab'; markers_id[28] = '42'; markers_source[29] = [46.9246,17.5538,2]; markers_pcs[29] = '../gallery/poi/44/s-2f9cdc70.jpg'; markers_title[29] = 'Monostorapáti (Almád)'; markers_id[29] = '44'; markers_source[30] = [46.8198,16.9953,2]; markers_pcs[30] = '../gallery/poi/45/s-b52a3ecd.jpg'; markers_title[30] = 'Kapornak'; markers_id[30] = '45'; markers_source[31] = [46.4897,20.0955,2]; markers_pcs[31] = '../gallery/poi/46/s-d384e4f8.jpg'; markers_title[31] = 'Szermonostor'; markers_id[31] = '46'; markers_source[32] = [47.4859,18.3155,2]; markers_pcs[32] = '../gallery/poi/47/s-c0d31b07.jpg'; markers_title[32] = 'Oroszlány, CamaldoleseHermitage (Majk)'; markers_id[32] = '47'; markers_source[33] = [47.6861,16.5904,2]; markers_pcs[33] = '../gallery/poi/49/s-87ef351a.jpg'; markers_title[33] = 'Sopron'; markers_id[33] = '49'; markers_source[34] = [47.9178,19.6947,2]; markers_pcs[34] = '../gallery/poi/48/s-08adb6c4.jpg'; markers_title[34] = 'Pásztó'; markers_id[34] = '48'; markers_source[35] = [46.7382,17.1048,2]; markers_pcs[35] = '../gallery/poi/52/s-2a4efe4d.jpg'; markers_title[35] = 'Zalavár/Zalaapáti'; markers_id[35] = '52'; markers_source[36] = [48.3203,19.0887,2]; markers_pcs[36] = '../gallery/poi/53/s-69c8e890.jpg'; markers_title[36] = 'Bzovik Monastery'; markers_id[36] = '53'; markers_source[37] = [48.3461,18.5566,2]; markers_pcs[37] = '../gallery/poi/24/s-d05c1ce1.jpg'; markers_title[37] = 'Hronský Beňadik monastery'; markers_id[37] = '24'; markers_source[38] = [50.0183,19.8048,1]; markers_pcs[38] = '../gallery/poi/17/s-dad8ab99.jpg'; markers_title[38] = 'Tyniec Abbey'; markers_id[38] = '17'; markers_source[39] = [50.8498,20.9501,2]; markers_pcs[39] = '../gallery/poi/32/s-df73be5e.jpg'; markers_title[39] = 'Holy Cross Monastery'; markers_id[39] = '32'; markers_source[40] = [51.145,16.2419,2]; markers_pcs[40] = '../gallery/poi/55/s-6a96908a.jpg'; markers_title[40] = 'Legnickie Pole Monastery'; markers_id[40] = '55'; markers_source[41] = [50.732,16.069,1]; markers_pcs[41] = '../gallery/poi/54/s-e800ad77.jpg'; markers_title[41] = 'Krzeszow Abbey'; markers_id[41] = '54'; markers_source[42] = [50.5872,16.3328,1]; markers_pcs[42] = '../gallery/poi/4/s-c8e9326a.jpg'; markers_title[42] = 'Broumov Monastery'; markers_id[42] = '4'; markers_source[43] = [49.2168,15.873,3]; markers_pcs[43] = '../gallery/poi/7/s-e52b32d5.jpg'; markers_title[43] = 'Třebíč Monastery'; markers_id[43] = '7'; markers_source[44] = [50.5336,14.722,3]; markers_pcs[44] = '../gallery/poi/56/s-72bd93ae.jpg'; markers_title[44] = 'Bezděz Monastery'; markers_id[44] = '56'; markers_source[45] = [50.2109,14.4363,1]; markers_pcs[45] = ''; markers_title[45] = 'Panenské Břežany Castle'; markers_id[45] = '57'; markers_source[46] = [48.1349,17.8404,3]; markers_pcs[46] = '../gallery/poi/21/s-22c2e3c8.jpg'; markers_title[46] = 'Diakovce monastery'; markers_id[46] = '21'; markers_source[47] = [48.4973,18.1185,2]; markers_pcs[47] = '../gallery/poi/19/s-36231a82.jpg'; markers_title[47] = 'Ludanice monastery'; markers_id[47] = '19'; markers_source[48] = [48.345,18.0909,2]; markers_pcs[48] = '../gallery/poi/26/s-0a9495b3.jpg'; markers_title[48] = 'St. Hypolit monastery in Nitra on the hill Zobor'; markers_id[48] = '26'; function initialize() { // styled map var styles = [{ stylers: [ { hue: "#00ffe6" }, { saturation: -20 }] },{ featureType: "road", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [ { lightness: 100 }, { visibility: "simplified" }] },{ featureType: "road.local", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [ { color: "#c7cabf" }] },{ featureType: "road", elementType: "labels", stylers: [ { visibility: "off" }] },{ featureType: "road.highway", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [ { color: "#c1b88f" }, { weight: "2" }] },{ featureType: "road.highway", elementType: "labels.text.stroke", stylers: [ { color: "#FFFFFF" }, { visibility: "on" },] },{ featureType: "poi.park", elementType: "geometry", stylers: [ { color: "#c5cbbf" }] },{ featureType: "water", elementType: "all", stylers: [ { visibility: "on" }, { color: "#ffffff" }] }]; 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