Diakovce monastery
- Getting to Diakovce: regular bus service;
- It is possible to visit the church during services or by prior arrangement with the parish administrator (phone: +421 31 77 952 20; e-mail: farnost.diakovce@abu.sk );
- Places of interest in the immediate and further surroundings: the thermal swimming pool at Diakovce (http://www.thermaldiakovce.sk); the Romanesque church in the village of Čierny Brod–Heď (Hegy); water edge runner mill at Tomášikovo (http://www.muzeum.sk/?obj=pamiatka&ix=vkmtm_vmga); the water edge runner mill at Jelka (http://www.muzeum.sk/?obj=pamiatka&ix=vkmje_vmga); the originally Romanesque church of St. John the Baptist also in the village of Jelka; the Kráľová water dam; Romanesque churches in the villages of Gáň and Malá Mača; the late Romanesque churches on Žitný ostrov (the Great Rye Island – Holice, Rohovce, Šámot, Šamorín, Hamuliakovo, Štvrtok na Ostrove, www.apsida.sk ); the Gabčíkovo waterworks;
- Accommodation and meals possibilities: the thermal-water swimming pool at Diakovce (during the season, http://www.thermaldiakovce.sk), nearby towns (Šaľa, Galanta, Dunajská Streda);